African Studies
The African Studies Collection is a distinctive resource, ranking among the best such collections in the U.S. Its holdings include disciplinary topics from the natural sciences and applied fields such as agriculture and public health, to the social sciences, humanities, and professions. Reflecting the great breadth and depth of these academic and professional programs, the collection facilitates interdisciplinary and applied approaches to the study of the continent, its flora and fauna, peoples and cultures, natural resources and wildlife for which UF’s African Studies programs are best known.

Newly Acquired!
Africa Commons
Africa Commons: Black South African Magazines with over 50,000 pages of historically significant magazines, written and targeted specifically for Black African audiences. Developed in partnership with South African based Sabinet, the materials were sourced from African libraries.
Special Collections and TOPICS
Key Resources
A guide to UF Libraries’ research and teaching resources in African Studies.
Beginning your Research
A guide to UF Libraries’ research and teaching resources in African Studies.
Finding Dissertations
A guide to UF Libraries’ research and teaching resources in African Studies.